Are you thinking of booking time with a duo? Why enjoy the pleasure of one Moonflower when you can be showered with attention of two? We are pleased to offer a scintillating duo experience for your pleasure.
Want to Spice Things Up?
If you want to take your sensual experiences up a notch, a date with an escort duo can really spice things up. If you are bored of the same routine, this can be the perfect way to mix things up and receive twice the pleasure. Whether your fantasy is to spend time with a red head and a brunette simultaneously or you fancy a night with two blondes, our duo escorts will not disappoint.
Fulfil a Fantasy with a Duo…
Perhaps you have always wanted a threesome or perhaps you have always loved the idea of being pleasured by two women? Whatever your fantasy, our talented duos can bring them to life. A duo escort experience is one you will never forget. Our beautiful duo escorts are experts when it comes to pleasure and that is why so many people choose this option as it is exciting and new. Your dreams are about to come true.
…So whether its your Birthday? Close to Christmas? Or you simply just fancy treating yourself? Why not book your duo escort experience today.
* Some of our bisexual escorts also visit couples. There is an extra £50 charge in addition to the original booking fee for couple bookings.
For duo appointments there is no extra charge for this service, you simply pay for each girls time.
All duo and couple bookings are subject to each ladies availability and preference.
Please call our reception team on 07557 260696 or contact us online to make your appointment.
Until then simply browse our duo gallery and tell us upon booking which ladies you would like to meet…